Wells Fargo
Through the Sharing advantage Program each time a customer closed a home purchase or refinance with Wells Fargo, they will make a $300 contribution to the non-profit organization of your choice - WCHS Athletic Boosters. For further information contact Rich Schorling at 614/322-3407 or Mike Bardash at 614/895-3030.
Meijer (392041)
Apply for a MeijerGuest Card SM. It's free and can be done online at www.meijer.com/rewards or by picking up an application and mailing it to Meijer. When you receive your personal Meijer Guest Card SM, simply scan it at the register whenever you shop at Meijer. Use if for food, clothing, toys, home accessories and more!
Each gift card sells for $10 and already has $10 loaded onto the card, so you are already getting your money back. When you go to Kroger, load any amount you wish onto the gift card either at the service desk or in line before you start your grocery order. You can pay for the amount you load onto the card anyway you wish. You then buy your groceries and pay for them with your Kroger gift card. You keep reloading the card as often as you like. It's an easy fundraiser because you are not spending any more than you normally spend for groceries; you're just taking an extra step in the beginning by loading money onto your gift card and then paying for your groceries with that gift card.
Westerville Central High School